Your Money Wise Marriage Guide

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Money-Wise Marriage Guide

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

Marriage is an exciting milestone that will lead to changes in your life, including your finances!

Your joint money habits affect you in myriad ways such as:

- Buying your first home together
- Planning for the family vacations
- Saving for retirement

Money can be a source of friction in a marriage if there isn't a strategy in place.

Sometimes it's a contest to see who spends too much and saves too little. The most difficult issue, though, may be more fundamental. It all boils down to determining how to combine finances, if at all. 

Is it ideal to have everything in its own place? And, if you do decide to band together, who will keep track of your spending and saving, and how will you do it?

Finances have a big influence on a lot of other lifestyle decisions, from subscriptions to vacation funds.

We created this guide to provide you with some advice on how to merge your financial lives as effectively as possible!

Your Money. Your Life.

Vincere helps you live your ideal lifestyle by providing financial planning and investment advice that helps you pursue your passion and achieve a "Work Optional" Lifestyle.